The Marvel Cinematic Universe films portrayed incidents which raised many ethical and legal questions, for example, are superheroes responsible for the clean-up after a battle? Can Spiderman sue if someone discloses he is Peter Parker? Is the Green Goblin legally responsible for his actions or not guilty by reason insanity? Can there be a murder if the victim does not stay dead (e.g. Wolverine)? The course will also consider developments in science and technology that may allow us soon to be superheroes or create superheroes. For example, biomedical ethics and the development of superman similar to Wolverine, and the freezing the resuscitation of Captain America. In considering these issues in the superhero universe, the course will provide an introduction to ethics and law for those who are interested in law, medicine and/or the STEM subjects, or who just want to consider the legal realities of a superhero’s life.